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What is the New Zealand Obstacle Sports Association (NZOSA)?


The NZOSA is the New Zealand National Sports Organisation for obstacle sports - 

Ninja, Obstacle Course Racing and Adventure Racing.


We are a not-for-profit incorporated society that exists to represent the needs of our members and to further the development of obstacle sports which includes the development of athletes, coaches, officials and events.


What is a National Sports Organisation (NSO)?


A NSO is the national governing body for a specific sport or sports. A NSO is responsible for the overall administration and development of their sport. Most sports in New Zealand, whether they have a professional division or operate at an amateur level only, are represented by NSOs.


How is NZOSA run?


We are run by volunteers from across New Zealand, and governed by a board. Our board members are nominated by members prior to election at annual general meetings.


Who is on NZOSA’s board?


A list of our executive committee members can be found here. All members have a desire to support the growth of obstacle sports, with experience in various levels of racing.


Are NZOSA board members paid?


As a not-for-profit organisation, all board members are volunteers and are not paid. Board members may be entitled to be reimbursed for expenses, as long as they are pre-approved by the board.


What are NZOSA’s goals?


Our mission is to unite obstacle athletes, from youth to elite, represent them and serve their needs while promoting sportsmanship and self-discipline.


The purposes for which we are established are as follows:


  • To bring the obstacle athletes of New Zealand together and encourage them to use their status and experience to promote and develop the ideals of sportsmanship throughout New Zealand.

  • To represent, develop, nurture and promote the interests of obstacle athletes from grassroots up.

  • To build an active regular membership dedicated to the mission and purpose of NZOSA.

  • To operate for charitable and educational purposes in harmony with the fundamental principles set forth in the FISO statutes.


Will NZOSA force events and races to adhere to strict guidelines?


No. Event organisers and organisations will continue to have freedom to operate events and innovate obstacle sports.


We will however have standards in place for events which want to be recognised as National Championship events, as part of a long-term strategy for obstacle sports to achieve medal events at international multisport games.


Is NZOSA affiliated with any international organisations?


We are a member of World Obstacle, Fédération Internationale de Sports d’Obstacles (FISO), the international governing body for obstacle sports, and a member of the Obstacle Sports Federation of Asia and the Pacific (OSFAP), the continental confederation of national federation members of World Obstacle.


How can NZOSA help me?


As a member based not-for-profit organisation, we exist to represent the needs of our members. Please sign up to become a member and recommend NZOSA membership to your friends.


How do I become a member?


Information on becoming a member will be added soon.


How can I contribute?


We are run by volunteers from across New Zealand, you can volunteer on a working group to help shape obstacle sports in New Zealand.


How can my club, facility become a member?


Information on club or facility membership will be added soon.


How can my event join?


Information on sanctioned events will be added soon.


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